What is Javascript ?

TryCatch Classes
4 min readJun 24, 2020

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript, an object scripting language which is used in web pages along with markup language HTML. JavaScript is very popular and adopted universally by every web browser for its support which allows dynamic content to get execute in a webpage. JavaScript does not incorporate or abide by any HTML tags or rules. It is similar to stand-alone programming language developed by Sun Microsystems. As JavaScript got its success worldwide with its integration into the web browsers, the Microsoft has added the JavaScript technology to its own Browser Internet Explorer.

Uses and applications of JavaScript

An HTML page is a static one and without JavaScript it would be static still. JavaScript can make the website more interactive and user- friendliness of JavaScript helps easy navigation of the website and helps designers to guide the visitors with additional information or guide them through walkthroughs. Visual effects can also be achieved with JavaScript. JavaScript can be used effectively to create special effects like rollover for images.

JavaScript not only supports web pages but also supports external applications like PDF documents, running widgets, supporting for flash applications etc. JavaScript has emerged in web industry like a boom and if you look at the current web scenario there are no web technologies that are not using JavaScript. For example AJAX and JQuery, in that the AJAX — Asynchronous JavaScript and XML in which JavaScript plays a very important role and JQuery gives the library for predefined functions for adding animations and many dynamic features to the web pages. AJAX and JQuery are some of the current web trends in terms of Dynamic website design and development.

JavaScript stands unique as it brings out all the special functionalities in the client’s browser instead of the site’s server. The role of JavaScript can never be denied as JavaScript can act as both object oriented language and procedural language.

What is the best way to learn JavaScript?

Don’t Let Future Decisions Stop You from Progressing Now

For many people learning JavaScript, one of the first questions they ask is which framework to use (and let’s be fair, there’s a lot). But if you haven’t gotten comfortable with raw JavaScript, this is the wrong question to be asking. You’ll spend all of your time researching different frameworks and none of your time actually moving forwards.

One way to help get out of the indecision trap is to have a road map for what you need to learn. For example, to become a front-end developer, your road map might look like this:

And if You want to become backend developer I think it is mandatory to know basic stuff about those technology especially they are not so complex. It helps to get how to work frontend side.

JavaScript is used to control the behavior of different element and JavaScript in the recent past has become highly popular among the developer community. Many large and small organizations are using JavaScript as their primary programming language for both backend and frontend. There has been a significant increase in the number of job postings in JavaScript. Take a look at the chart below that talks about the number of job postings in JavaScript as compared to other programming languages.

How to learn JavaScript fast?

One of the best ways to learn JavaScript quickly is to actually do a JavaScript-based project. Here are some of the interesting project ideas on JavaScript:

  • A simple Calculator with operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc.
  • e-Commerce billing calculator.
  • A bill splitting system that helps in dividing the bills between friends.
  • A basic quiz game.
  • A simple search box powered by JavaScript.
  • Form a validator that makes sure that no incorrect input is provided in the form.
  • JavaScript-powered comment box on a blog.
  • EchoBot — a bot that echoes back what you just typed to it.
  • A simple todo list application that helps you manage your tasks.
  • Tic-tac-toe game using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
  • Photo gallery.
  • Your own interactive home page.
  • A simple document statistics generator using JavaScript — you could show statistics like word count, alphabet count, word frequency, paragraph count, etc.
  • JavaScript-based alarm clock/timer.
  • JavaScript-based die — which can generate numbers from 1 to 6.

Steps to complete a JavaScript-based project will be as follows:

  • Pick up a project idea from the ones mentioned above.
  • Design an easy-to-use User Interface on a sheet of paper.
  • Plan a logic of the project (for instance, how will e-Commerce billing formula work?) and write it down on a sheet of paper.
  • Write pseudocode so as to develop a basic framework. In this pseudo code, you should take note of the functions that you will be writing and their parameters and the output value. This will essentially bring you a step closer to the final code.
  • Finally, start coding in JavaScript. For anything that you struggle, just search on Google how that works. For instance, for the billing calculator, you may have to iterate over the list of items in the bill which may require a for a loop. Just search on Google a simple example of how a for loop works in JavaScript and you will quickly be able to get a working code ready.

Happy coding!

document.write(“THANK YOU :)”)



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